Middle Earth (2v7)

Middle Earth (2v7)
Blue: The Shire | Red: Gondor | Yellow: Rowan | Green: Eisengard | Cyan: The Misty Mountains | Magenta: Rhûn| Orange: Rivendell | Black: Mordor | All of Middle Earth must join forces against the powers of Mordor and Eisengard to destroy them once and for all!Created by [AvA]lanche
Map ID #111
Middle Earth (2v7)
Blue: The Shire | Red: Gondor | Yellow: Rowan | Green: Eisengard | Cyan: The Misty Mountains | Magenta: Rhûn| Orange: Rivendell | Black: Mordor | All of Middle Earth must join forces against the powers of Mordor and Eisengard to destroy them once and for all!Created by [AvA]lanche
Map ID #111