A Castle and a Moat
Blue | Red | Yellow | Green | |
Win Rate: | 55% | 53% | 45% | 47% |
Relative Win Rate: | -3% | +7% | +4% | +7% |
End Pop: | 59 | 56 | 70 | 61 |
- Latest Games:
- A Castle and a Moat Maximilian - vs - Viktor_killer A Castle and a Moat Fr33dom - vs - pozkox A Castle and a Moat Maximilian - vs - Viktor_killer
- Normal Allies:
- Average Game Length:
- 22 minutes, 32 seconds
- Games Played:
- 82
- Total Time Spent:
- 3 days, 21 hours, 32 minutes, 50 seconds
- Local Deaths:
- 17,393
- Demolitions:
- 779